Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Free Auto Blogger Report

Thu 02:36 PM | Blog Loaded.Thu 02:36 PM | Starting Blog...Thu 02:36 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 02:36 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:36 PM | Skipping 1 posts (duplicates)...Thu 02:36 PM | Posting 10 entries...Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "OC Metro 40 Under 40 Awards Reception", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 5Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "The 3 Elements of Money Making Blogs", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "How I Went From Zero To $200,000 In 1 Month", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "How To Set A Deadline In An Email Auto Responder", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 9Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Why Technical Know-How Is Now Mandatory in Online Marketing", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "3 Ways to Do SEO and Improve Your Organic Traffic", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found (404)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "The Easiest Way To Make a Squeeze Page", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found (404)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Thu 02:37 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:37 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 07:04 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 07:04 PM | No new messages to post.Thu 07:04 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 07:04 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 10:05 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 10:05 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 10:05 PM | Skipping 6 posts (duplicates)...Thu 10:05 PM | Posting 5 entries...Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 10:05 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Thu 10:05 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:05 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 01:05 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:05 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:05 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:05 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:05 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:06 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 04:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:06 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:06 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:06 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 07:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:06 AM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:06 AM | Posting 2 entries...Fri 07:06 AM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Fri 07:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:06 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 10:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:06 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:06 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 10:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:07 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 01:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:07 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:07 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:07 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 04:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:07 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:07 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:08 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 07:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:08 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:08 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 07:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:08 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 10:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:08 PM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:08 PM | Posting 4 entries...Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 9Fri 10:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:08 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 01:08 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:08 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:08 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:08 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:08 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:09 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 04:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:09 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:09 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 07:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:09 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:10 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 10:10 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:10 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:10 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 10:10 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:10 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:10 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 01:10 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:10 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:10 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:10 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:10 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:10 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 04:10 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:10 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:10 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:10 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:10 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:10 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 07:10 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:10 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:10 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:10 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:10 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:11 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 10:11 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:11 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:11 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 10:11 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:11 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:11 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 01:11 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:11 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:11 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:11 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:11 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:11 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 04:11 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:11 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:11 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:11 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:11 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:12 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 07:12 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:12 AM | Skipping 5 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:12 AM | Posting 6 entries...Sun 07:12 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Sun 07:12 AM | Could not post item "How I Went From Zero To $200,000 In 1 Month", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 9Sun 07:12 AM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 07:12 AM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – Pants Down Audience Edition", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sun 07:12 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:12 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:12 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 10:12 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:12 AM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:12 AM | Posting 2 entries...Sun 10:12 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:12 AM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – Pants Down Audience Edition", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:12 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:12 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:12 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 01:12 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:12 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:12 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:12 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:12 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:13 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 04:13 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:13 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:13 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:13 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:13 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:13 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 07:13 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:13 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:13 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 07:13 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:13 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:13 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 10:14 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:14 PM | Skipping 4 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:14 PM | Posting 7 entries...Sun 10:14 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sun 10:14 PM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – Pants Down Audience Edition", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sun 10:14 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:14 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 9Sun 10:14 PM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:14 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 9Sun 10:14 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:14 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:14 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 01:14 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:14 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:14 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 01:14 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:14 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:14 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 04:14 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:14 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:14 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:14 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:14 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:15 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 07:15 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:15 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:15 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:15 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:15 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:15 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 10:15 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:15 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:15 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:15 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:15 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:15 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 01:15 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:15 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:15 PM | Posting 2 entries...Mon 01:15 PM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 01:15 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:15 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:16 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 04:16 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:16 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:16 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:16 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:16 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:16 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 07:16 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:16 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:16 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:16 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:16 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:17 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 10:17 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:17 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:17 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:17 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:17 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:17 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 01:17 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:17 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:17 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:17 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:17 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:17 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 04:17 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:17 AM | Skipping 5 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:17 AM | Posting 6 entries...Tue 04:17 AM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 9Tue 04:17 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 04:17 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Tue 04:17 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 04:17 AM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Tue 04:17 AM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 04:17 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:17 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:17 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 07:17 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:17 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:17 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:17 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:17 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:18 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 10:18 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:18 AM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:18 AM | Posting 4 entries...Tue 10:18 AM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:18 AM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:18 AM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:18 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:18 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:18 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 01:18 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:18 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:18 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:18 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:18 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:18 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 04:18 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:18 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:18 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 04:18 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:18 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:19 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 07:19 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:19 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:19 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:19 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:19 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:19 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 10:19 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:19 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:19 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 10:19 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:19 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:19 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 01:19 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:19 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:19 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:19 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:19 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:20 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 04:20 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:20 AM | Skipping 6 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:20 AM | Posting 5 entries...Wed 04:20 AM | Could not post item "Big Bonus for the Big Idea Mastermind", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 04:20 AM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Wed 04:20 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:20 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:20 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 07:20 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:20 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:20 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:20 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:20 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:20 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 10:21 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:21 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:21 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 10:21 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:21 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:21 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 01:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:21 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:21 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:21 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 04:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:21 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:21 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 04:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:21 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 07:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:21 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:21 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:22 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 10:22 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:22 PM | Skipping 5 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:22 PM | Posting 6 entries...Wed 10:22 PM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:22 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Wed 10:22 PM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:22 PM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Wed 10:22 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:22 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 01:22 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 01:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 01:22 AM | Skipping 8 posts (duplicates)...Thu 01:22 AM | Posting 3 entries...Thu 01:22 AM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 01:22 AM | Could not post item "Big Bonus for the Big Idea Mastermind", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 9Thu 01:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.
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