Thursday, May 30, 2013

Free Auto Blogger Report

Thu 02:36 PM | Blog Loaded.Thu 02:36 PM | Starting Blog...Thu 02:36 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Thu 02:36 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:36 PM | Posting 10 entries...Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD: Trading the German Ifo Business Climate Index", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "EURUSD: Downtrend Continuation to 1.2700-Elliott Wave", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD May 23 – Volatility Continues after Beranke Remarks", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "Forex Daily Outlook May 23 2013", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Forex Analysis: GBP/USD Stalls Plunge near 1.5000 Support Target", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "British GDP Growth Remains 0.3% in Q1 2013, Business Investment Falls", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "USD/JPY Crashes with Japanese Stock Market", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found (404)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "AUD/USD Extends Falls on Weak Chinese Data", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "US Jobless Claims: 340K – Dollar Higher", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:37 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 07:04 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Thu 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 07:04 PM | No new messages to post.Thu 07:04 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 07:04 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 10:05 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Thu 10:05 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 10:05 PM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Thu 10:05 PM | Posting 3 entries...Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "AUD/USD makes kangaroo leap off long term support, hammer pattern or sell opportunity?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 10:05 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Thu 10:05 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:05 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Fri 01:05 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:05 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:05 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:05 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:05 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:05 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Fri 04:05 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:05 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:05 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:05 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:05 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:06 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Fri 07:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:06 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:06 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 07:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:06 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Fri 10:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:06 AM | Skipping 8 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:06 AM | Posting 2 entries...Fri 10:06 AM | Could not post item "Forex Daily Outlook May 24 2013", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 10:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:06 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Fri 01:06 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:06 PM | Skipping 6 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:06 PM | Posting 4 entries...Fri 01:07 PM | Could not post item "German Ifo Business Climate Surprises – EUR/USD Rises", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 01:07 PM | Could not post item "Central bank actions shake up currency markets", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 01:07 PM | Could not post item "Yen detachment", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Fri 01:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:07 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Fri 04:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:07 PM | Skipping 8 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:07 PM | Posting 2 entries...Fri 04:07 PM | Could not post item "Durable Goods Orders Exceed Expectations – Market Getting Ready for Holiday", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 04:07 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD May 24 – German Strength Enough for Double Top", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 04:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:07 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Fri 07:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:07 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:07 PM | Posting 1 entry...Fri 07:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:08 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Fri 10:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:08 PM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:08 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 10:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:08 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Sat 01:08 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:08 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:08 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:08 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:08 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:08 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Sat 04:08 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:08 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:08 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:08 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:08 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:09 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Sat 07:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:09 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:09 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Sat 10:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:09 AM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:09 AM | Posting 1 entry...Sat 10:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:09 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Sat 01:09 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:09 PM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:09 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:09 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:09 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:10 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Sat 04:10 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:10 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:10 PM | Posting 1 entry...Sat 04:10 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:10 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:10 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Sat 07:10 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:10 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:10 PM | Posting 1 entry...Sat 07:10 PM | Could not post item "USD/JPY Outlook May 27-31", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sat 07:10 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:10 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:10 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Sat 10:10 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:10 PM | Skipping 8 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:10 PM | Posting 2 entries...Sat 10:10 PM | Could not post item "GBP/USD Outlook May 27-31", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sat 10:10 PM | Could not post item "USD/CAD Outlook May 27-31", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sat 10:10 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:10 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:11 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Sun 01:11 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:11 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:11 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:11 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:11 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:11 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Sun 04:11 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:11 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:11 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:11 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:11 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:11 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Sun 07:11 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:11 AM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:11 AM | Posting 1 entry...Sun 07:11 AM | Could not post item "AUD/USD Forecast May 27-31", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 07:11 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:11 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:12 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Sun 10:12 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:12 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:12 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 10:12 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:12 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:12 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Sun 01:12 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:12 PM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:12 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:12 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:12 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:13 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Sun 04:13 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:13 PM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:13 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:13 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:13 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:13 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Sun 07:13 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:13 PM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:13 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 07:13 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:13 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:13 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Sun 10:13 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:13 PM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:13 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 10:13 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:13 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:14 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Mon 01:14 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:14 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:14 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 01:14 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:14 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:14 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Mon 04:14 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:14 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:14 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:14 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:14 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:14 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Mon 07:14 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:14 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:14 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:14 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:14 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:15 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Mon 10:15 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:15 AM | Skipping 8 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:15 AM | Posting 2 entries...Mon 10:15 AM | Could not post item "AUD/USD Could Reach 0.9850 Before Downtrend Resumes-Elliott Wave", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Mon 10:15 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:15 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:15 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Mon 01:15 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:15 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:15 PM | Posting 1 entry...Mon 01:15 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:15 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:15 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Mon 04:15 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:15 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:15 PM | Posting 1 entry...Mon 04:15 PM | Could not post item "USD/JPY: Trading the US CB Consumer Confidence Index", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 04:15 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:15 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:15 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Mon 07:15 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:15 PM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:15 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:15 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:15 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:16 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Mon 10:16 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:16 PM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:16 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:16 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:16 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:16 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Tue 01:16 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:16 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:16 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:16 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:16 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:16 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Tue 04:16 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:16 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:16 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 04:16 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:16 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:17 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Tue 07:17 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:17 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:17 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:17 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:17 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:17 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Tue 10:17 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:17 AM | Skipping 8 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:17 AM | Posting 2 entries...Tue 10:17 AM | Could not post item "USD/JPY Enjoys Japanese Stock Market Recovery", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Tue 10:17 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:17 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:17 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Tue 01:17 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:17 PM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:17 PM | Posting 3 entries...Tue 01:18 PM | Could not post item "Gold Is Sideways, But Still Bearish Within Larger Trend (Elliott Wave Analysis)", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Tue 01:18 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD May 28 – Under Pressure as Markets Back in Action", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Tue 01:18 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:18 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:18 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Tue 04:18 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:18 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:18 PM | Posting 1 entry...Tue 04:18 PM | Could not post item "US Home Prices Continue Rising: 10.9% YoY", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Tue 04:18 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:18 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:18 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Tue 07:18 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:18 PM | Skipping 8 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:18 PM | Posting 2 entries...Tue 07:18 PM | Could not post item "US Dollar on a Roll Following Strong Consumer Confidence", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 07:18 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:18 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:19 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Tue 10:19 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:19 PM | Skipping 8 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:19 PM | Posting 2 entries...Tue 10:19 PM | Could not post item "Aussie remains pressured by negative press – critical support could not hold for too long", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:19 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:19 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:19 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Wed 01:19 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:19 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:19 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:19 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:19 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:20 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Wed 04:20 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:20 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:20 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 04:20 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:20 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:20 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Wed 07:20 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:20 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:20 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:20 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:20 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:20 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Wed 10:20 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:20 AM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:20 AM | Posting 3 entries...Wed 10:20 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:20 AM | Feed items skipped: 1 (free version).Wed 10:20 AM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comWed 10:20 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:21 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Wed 01:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:21 PM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:21 PM | Posting 3 entries...Wed 01:21 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD May 29 – Volatile After Sparkling US Consumer Confidence", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 01:21 PM | Could not post item "Dollar falls across the board on violent correction", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 01:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:21 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Wed 04:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:21 PM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:21 PM | Posting 3 entries...Wed 04:21 PM | Could not post item "USD/CAD Slides on Canadian Rate Decision – BOC Sees rates “appropriate for a period of time”", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 04:21 PM | Could not post item "Dollar falls across the board on violent correction – EUR/USD still shy of double top", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Wed 04:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:21 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Wed 07:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:21 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:21 PM | Posting 1 entry...Wed 07:21 PM | Could not post item "Elevated US Yields Provide Support for the Greenback", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 07:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:22 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Wed 10:22 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:22 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:22 PM | Posting 1 entry...Wed 10:22 PM | Could not post item "Another Dove Opens the Door to the Hawkish Side – USD Supported", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:22 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:22 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 01:22 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Thu 01:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 01:22 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Thu 01:22 AM | No new messages to post.Thu 01:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 01:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 11:06 AM | Downloading 1 feed...Thu 11:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 11:06 AM | Skipping 6 posts (duplicates)...Thu 11:06 AM | Posting 4 entries...Thu 11:07 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Thu 11:07 AM | Feed items skipped: 2 (free version).Thu 11:07 AM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comThu 11:07 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 02:07 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Thu 02:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:07 PM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Thu 02:07 PM | Posting 3 entries...Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD breaks above 1.30 – third time’s a charm – but no follow through", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "Finding a base for the dollar", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 02:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 05:07 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Thu 05:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 05:07 PM | Skipping 6 posts (duplicates)...Thu 05:07 PM | Posting 4 entries...Thu 05:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Thu 05:08 PM | Feed items skipped: 2 (free version).Thu 05:08 PM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comThu 05:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 08:08 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Thu 08:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 08:08 PM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Thu 08:08 PM | No new messages to post.Thu 08:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 08:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 11:08 PM | Downloading 1 feed...Thu 11:09 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 11:09 PM | Skipping 9 posts (duplicates)...Thu 11:09 PM | Posting 1 entry...Thu 11:09 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.
Read More... [Source: - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

Forex Daily Outlook May 31 2013

We end this week with Canadian GDP and US consumer related data as the major events this day. Here is an outlook on the market-movers awaiting us. In the US, Core PCE Price Index , measuring inflation in sold goods and services, remained unchanged in March following a 0.1% gain in the previous month. Analysts expected
Read More... [Source: Forex Crunch - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

Free Auto Blogger Report

Thu 02:36 PM | Blog Loaded.Thu 02:36 PM | Starting Blog...Thu 02:36 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 02:36 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:36 PM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Thu 02:36 PM | Posting 22 entries...Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "3 Ways to Do SEO and Improve Your Organic Traffic", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "How I Went From Zero To $200,000 In 1 Month", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "How To Set A Deadline In An Email Auto Responder", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "The 3 Elements of Money Making Blogs", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – The Big Dog Edition", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "OC Metro 40 Under 40 Awards Reception", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "The Easiest Way To Make a Squeeze Page", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found (404)Thu 02:37 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:37 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 07:04 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 07:04 PM | No new messages to post.Thu 07:04 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 07:04 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 10:04 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 10:05 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 10:05 PM | Skipping 24 posts (duplicates)...Thu 10:05 PM | Posting 5 entries...Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "How I Went From Zero To $200,000 In 1 Month", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "The 3 Elements of Money Making Blogs", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 10:05 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 10:05 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:05 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 01:05 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:05 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:05 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:05 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:05 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:05 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 04:05 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:05 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:05 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:05 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:05 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:06 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 07:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:06 AM | Skipping 27 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:06 AM | Posting 2 entries...Fri 07:06 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 07:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:06 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 10:07 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:07 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:07 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 10:07 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:07 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:07 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 01:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:07 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:07 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:07 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 04:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:08 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:08 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:08 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 07:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:08 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:08 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 07:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:08 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 10:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:08 PM | Skipping 25 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:08 PM | Posting 4 entries...Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 10:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:09 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 01:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:09 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:09 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 04:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:09 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:09 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 07:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:09 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:10 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 10:10 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:10 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:10 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 10:10 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:10 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:10 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 01:10 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:10 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:10 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:10 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:10 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:11 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 04:11 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:11 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:11 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:11 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:11 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:11 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 07:11 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:11 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:11 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:11 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:11 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:12 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 10:12 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:12 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:12 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 10:12 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:12 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:12 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 01:12 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:12 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:12 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:12 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:12 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:13 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 04:13 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:13 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:13 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:13 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:13 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:13 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 07:13 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:13 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:13 AM | Posting 6 entries...Sun 07:13 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 07:13 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 07:13 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:13 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:14 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 10:14 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:14 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:14 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 10:14 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:14 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:14 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 01:14 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:14 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:14 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:14 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:14 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:15 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 04:15 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:15 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:15 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:15 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:15 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:15 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 07:16 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:16 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:16 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 07:16 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:16 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:16 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 10:17 PM | Could not download feed: 10:17 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:17 PM | Skipping 16 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:17 PM | Posting 7 entries...Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:17 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:17 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 01:17 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:17 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:17 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 01:17 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:17 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:17 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 04:17 AM | Could not download feed: 04:17 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:17 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:17 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:17 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:17 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:18 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 07:18 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:18 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:18 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:18 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:18 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:18 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 10:19 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:19 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:19 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:19 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:19 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:19 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 01:19 PM | Could not download feed: 01:19 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:19 PM | Skipping 21 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:19 PM | Posting 2 entries...Mon 01:19 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 01:19 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:19 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:19 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 04:20 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:20 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:20 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:20 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:20 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:20 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 07:21 PM | Could not download feed: 07:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:21 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:21 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:21 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 10:21 PM | Could not download feed: 10:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:21 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:21 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:22 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 01:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:22 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:22 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:22 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 04:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:22 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:22 AM | Posting 6 entries...Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 1Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 1Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Tue 04:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:22 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 07:22 AM | Could not download feed: 07:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:22 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:22 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:23 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 10:23 AM | Could not download feed: 10:23 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:23 AM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:23 AM | Posting 4 entries...Tue 10:23 AM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:23 AM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:23 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:23 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:23 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 01:24 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:24 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:24 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:24 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:24 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:24 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 04:24 PM | Could not download feed: 04:24 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:24 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:24 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 04:24 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:24 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:25 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 07:25 PM | Could not download feed: 07:25 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:25 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:25 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:25 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:25 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:25 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 10:25 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:25 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:25 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 10:25 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:25 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:26 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 01:26 AM | Could not download feed: 01:26 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:26 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:26 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:26 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:26 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:26 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 04:26 AM | Could not download feed: 04:26 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:26 AM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:26 AM | Posting 5 entries...Wed 04:26 AM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 04:26 AM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 04:26 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:26 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:27 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 07:27 AM | Could not download feed: 07:27 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:27 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:27 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:27 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:27 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:27 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 10:27 AM | Could not download feed: 10:27 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:27 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:27 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 10:27 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:27 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:28 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 01:28 PM | Could not download feed: 01:28 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:28 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:28 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:28 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:28 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:28 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 04:28 PM | Could not download feed: 04:28 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:28 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:28 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 04:28 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:28 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:28 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 07:28 PM | Could not download feed: 07:28 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:28 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:28 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:28 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:28 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:29 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 10:29 PM | Could not download feed: 10:29 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:29 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:29 PM | Posting 6 entries...Wed 10:29 PM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:29 PM | Could not post item "Big Bonus for the Big Idea Mastermind", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:29 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:29 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:29 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 01:29 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 01:30 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 01:30 AM | Skipping 26 posts (duplicates)...Thu 01:30 AM | Posting 3 entries...Thu 01:30 AM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 01:30 AM | Could not post item "Kicking It Up A Notch At The Kickin’ Crab", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 01:30 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Thu 01:30 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 11:06 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 11:06 AM | Could not download feed: 11:07 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 11:07 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Thu 11:07 AM | No new messages to post.Thu 11:07 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 11:07 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 02:07 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 02:07 PM | Could not download feed: 02:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:07 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Thu 02:07 PM | Posting 12 entries...Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 05:07 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 05:07 PM | Could not download feed: 05:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 05:07 PM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Thu 05:07 PM | Posting 4 entries...Thu 05:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 05:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 05:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Thu 05:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 08:08 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 08:08 PM | Could not download feed: 08:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 08:08 PM | Skipping 14 posts (duplicates)...Thu 08:08 PM | Posting 9 entries...Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 4 Creating Content", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Kicking It Up A Notch At The Kickin’ Crab", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Big Bonus for the Big Idea Mastermind", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Thu 08:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 11:08 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 11:08 PM | Could not download feed: 11:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 11:08 PM | Skipping 22 posts (duplicates)...Thu 11:08 PM | Posting 1 entry...Thu 11:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.
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Union fat cat Mark Rosenthal spends more time sleeping at his desk than organizing labor, a series of damning photos reveals.The 400-pound president of Local 983 of District Council 37 — the city’s largest blue-collar municipal-workers union —
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Free Auto Blogger Report

Thu 02:36 PM | Blog Loaded.Thu 02:36 PM | Starting Blog...Thu 02:36 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 02:36 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:36 PM | Posting 20 entries...Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Journey into the Unknown – Chinese Regulators Revising Laws to Assist Overseas FX Firms", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Jason Gibson Joins Tradenext as Head of Trading", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "What in the World are Bitcoins? Part 2: Security & Satoshi", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found (404)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "AUD/USD Extends Falls on Weak Chinese Data", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:37 PM | Feed items skipped: 12 (free version).Thu 02:37 PM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comThu 02:37 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 07:04 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 07:04 PM | No new messages to post.Thu 07:04 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 07:04 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 10:05 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 10:05 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 10:05 PM | Skipping 14 posts (duplicates)...Thu 10:05 PM | Posting 6 entries...Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "The Data Accelerator – RavenPack Teams Up With Deltix To Provide Regional Macro Sentiment Indexes for FX", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "CFTC Reviews Obligations to Report Omnibus Account Information – White Label Partnerships Under Spotlight", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "US Jobless Claims: 340K, Continuing Claims Under 3 Million, Dollar Higher", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 4Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "FXCM Expanding No Dealing Desk CFDs – Industry Effects?", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 6Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "US New Home Sales Rise Nicely, Finds Tired Dollar", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "AUD/USD makes kangaroo leap off long term support, hammer pattern or sell opportunity?", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 10:05 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 10:05 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:05 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 01:05 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:05 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:05 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:05 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:05 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:06 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 04:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:06 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:06 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:06 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 07:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:06 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:06 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 07:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:06 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 10:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:06 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:06 AM | Posting 3 entries...Fri 10:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:07 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 01:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:07 PM | Skipping 13 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:07 PM | Posting 7 entries...Fri 01:07 PM | Could not post item "Yen detachment", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Fri 01:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:07 PM | Feed items skipped: 2 (free version).Fri 01:07 PM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comFri 01:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:07 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 04:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:07 PM | Skipping 16 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:07 PM | Posting 4 entries...Fri 04:07 PM | Could not post item "Execution Speed Under Further Scrutiny – ParFX Proves Value of Randomization Design", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Fri 04:07 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD May 24 – German Strength Enough for Double Top", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Fri 04:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:08 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 07:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:08 PM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:08 PM | Posting 1 entry...Fri 07:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:08 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Fri 10:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:08 PM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:08 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 10:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:08 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 01:08 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:08 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:08 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:08 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:08 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:09 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 04:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:09 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:09 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 07:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:09 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:10 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 10:10 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:10 AM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:10 AM | Posting 1 entry...Sat 10:10 AM | Could not post item "Forex Weekly Outlook May 27-31", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Sat 10:10 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:10 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:10 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 01:10 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:10 PM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:10 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:10 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:10 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:10 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 04:11 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:11 PM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:11 PM | Posting 1 entry...Sat 04:11 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:11 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:11 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 07:11 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:11 PM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:11 PM | Posting 2 entries...Sat 07:11 PM | Could not post item "FX Traders Stunned as Liberty Reserve Shuts Down After Owner’s Arrest", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sat 07:11 PM | Could not post item "USD/JPY Outlook May 27-31", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Sat 07:11 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:11 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:11 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sat 10:11 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:11 PM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:11 PM | Posting 2 entries...Sat 10:11 PM | Could not post item "GBP/USD Outlook May 27-31", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sat 10:11 PM | Could not post item "USD/CAD Outlook May 27-31", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sat 10:11 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:11 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:12 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 01:12 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:12 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:12 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:12 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:12 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:12 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 04:12 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:12 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:12 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:12 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:12 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:12 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 07:12 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:12 AM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:12 AM | Posting 1 entry...Sun 07:12 AM | Could not post item "AUD/USD Forecast May 27-31", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Sun 07:12 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:12 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:13 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 10:13 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:13 AM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:13 AM | Posting 1 entry...Sun 10:13 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:13 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:13 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 01:13 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:13 PM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:13 PM | Posting 1 entry...Sun 01:13 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:13 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:14 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 04:14 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:14 PM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:14 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:14 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:14 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:14 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 07:14 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:14 PM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:14 PM | Posting 1 entry...Sun 07:14 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:14 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:14 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Sun 10:15 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:15 PM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:15 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 10:15 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:15 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:15 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 01:15 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:15 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:15 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 01:15 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:15 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:15 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 04:15 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:15 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:15 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:15 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:15 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:16 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 07:16 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:16 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:16 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:16 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:16 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:16 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 10:16 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:16 AM | Skipping 16 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:16 AM | Posting 4 entries...Mon 10:16 AM | Could not post item "FxPro Partners with Panda Trading System for MT4 WebTrader", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Mon 10:16 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:16 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:17 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 01:17 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:17 PM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:17 PM | Posting 2 entries...Mon 01:17 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD May 27 – Steady after Solid US, German Numbers Wrap Up Week", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Mon 01:17 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:17 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:17 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 04:17 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:17 PM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:17 PM | Posting 2 entries...Mon 04:17 PM | Could not post item "Tradersmarter Lauches Social Binary Chart", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 04:17 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:17 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:17 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 07:17 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:17 PM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:17 PM | Posting 1 entry...Mon 07:17 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:17 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:18 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 10:18 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:18 PM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:18 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:18 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:18 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:18 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 01:18 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:18 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:18 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:18 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:18 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:18 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 04:18 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:18 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:18 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 04:18 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:18 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:19 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 07:19 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:19 AM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:19 AM | Posting 1 entry...Tue 07:19 AM | Could not post item "Tradologic Launches ‘Turbocharge Trading’ & Enhanced UI", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Tue 07:19 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:19 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:19 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 10:19 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:19 AM | Skipping 16 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:19 AM | Posting 4 entries...Tue 10:19 AM | Could not post item "Techfinancials Launches ‘All in One’ Forex & Binary Options Trading Platform", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:19 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:19 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:19 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 01:19 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:19 PM | Skipping 15 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:19 PM | Posting 5 entries...Tue 01:19 PM | Could not post item "The euro risks", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 01:20 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:20 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:20 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 04:20 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:20 PM | Skipping 16 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:20 PM | Posting 4 entries...Tue 04:20 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:20 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:21 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 07:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:21 PM | Skipping 14 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:21 PM | Posting 6 entries...Tue 07:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:21 PM | Feed items skipped: 2 (free version).Tue 07:21 PM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comTue 07:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:21 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 10:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:21 PM | Skipping 16 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:21 PM | Posting 4 entries...Tue 10:21 PM | Could not post item "Canadian dollar at fresh lows – USD/CAD almost at 1.04 on strong US data", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:21 PM | Could not post item "OKPay Halts Bitcoin Related Transfers", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Tue 10:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:22 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 01:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:22 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:22 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:22 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 04:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:22 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:22 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 04:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:22 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 07:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:22 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:22 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:23 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 10:23 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:23 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:23 AM | Posting 3 entries...Wed 10:23 AM | Could not post item "EUR/USD: Trading the US Pending Home Sales", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:23 AM | Could not post item "Forex Daily Outlook May 29 2013", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Wed 10:23 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:23 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:23 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 01:23 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:23 PM | Skipping 16 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:23 PM | Posting 4 entries...Wed 01:23 PM | Could not post item "Exclusive IFXEXPO Announcement: MetaQuotes to Launch 3rd Party Provider Marketplace", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 01:23 PM | Could not post item "Fearing the Fed tapering", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Wed 01:23 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:23 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:24 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 04:24 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:24 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:24 PM | Posting 3 entries...Wed 04:24 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:24 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:24 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 07:24 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:24 PM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:24 PM | Posting 2 entries...Wed 07:24 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:24 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:24 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Wed 10:24 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:24 PM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:24 PM | Posting 2 entries...Wed 10:25 PM | Could not post item "Another Dove Opens the Door to the Hawkish Side – USD Supported", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:25 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:25 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 01:25 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 01:25 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 01:25 AM | Skipping 20 posts (duplicates)...Thu 01:25 AM | No new messages to post.Thu 01:25 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 01:25 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 11:06 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 11:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 11:06 AM | Skipping 15 posts (duplicates)...Thu 11:06 AM | Posting 5 entries...Thu 11:07 AM | Could not post item "‘Pay Up – $1.5 Million’ CFTC Orders FCStone", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 11:07 AM | Could not post item "AUD/USD recovers on positive data – double top at 0.97 or hammer pattern?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 11:07 AM | Could not post item "Forex Daily Outlook May 30 2013", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 11:07 AM | Could not post item "USD/JPY getting closer to 100 on another Nikkei crash", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 8Thu 11:07 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Thu 11:07 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 02:07 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 02:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:07 PM | Skipping 16 posts (duplicates)...Thu 02:07 PM | Posting 4 entries...Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "Finding a base for the dollar", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "Liberty Reserve Fallout Continues, Westpac & Technocash Get Intertwined", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD May 30 – Gains Continue as Euro Tests 1.30", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD breaks above 1.30 – third time’s a charm – but no follow through", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 05:07 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 05:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 05:07 PM | Skipping 15 posts (duplicates)...Thu 05:07 PM | Posting 5 entries...Thu 05:07 PM | Could not post item "Mediocre US jobless claims and GDP data weigh on the dollar", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Thu 05:07 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD breaks 1.30 – this time for real – stops at next resistance for now", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 05:07 PM | Could not post item "EUR/USD breaks above 1.30 – third time’s a charm – but no follow through", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 6Thu 05:07 PM | Could not post item "Liberty Reserve Fallout Continues, Westpac & Technocash Get Intertwined", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 5Thu 05:07 PM | Could not post item "US Pending Home Sales Disappoint with +0.3% – EUR/USD Extends Gains", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 5Thu 05:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 05:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 08:08 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 08:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 08:08 PM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Thu 08:08 PM | Posting 1 entry...Thu 08:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Thu 08:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 11:08 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Thu 11:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 11:08 PM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Thu 11:08 PM | Posting 1 entry...Thu 11:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.
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Forex Daily Outlook May 31 2013

We end this week with Canadian GDP and US consumer related data as the major events this day. Here is an outlook on the market-movers awaiting us. In the US, Core PCE Price Index , measuring inflation in sold goods and services, remained unchanged in March following a 0.1% gain in the previous month. Analysts expected
Read More... [Source: Forex Crunch - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

Free Auto Blogger Report

Thu 02:36 PM | Blog Loaded.Thu 02:36 PM | Starting Blog...Thu 02:36 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Thu 02:36 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:36 PM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Thu 02:36 PM | Posting 10 entries...Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "OC Metro 40 Under 40 Awards Reception", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "3 Ways to Do SEO and Improve Your Organic Traffic", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "How I Went From Zero To $200,000 In 1 Month", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 4Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – The Big Dog Edition", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "The 3 Elements of Money Making Blogs", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "How To Set A Deadline In An Email Auto Responder", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found (404)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found (404)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "The Easiest Way To Make a Squeeze Page", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 02:37 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:37 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 07:04 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Thu 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 07:04 PM | No new messages to post.Thu 07:04 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 07:04 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 10:05 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Thu 10:05 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 10:05 PM | Skipping 12 posts (duplicates)...Thu 10:05 PM | Posting 5 entries...Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "The 3 Elements of Money Making Blogs", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 10:05 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Thu 10:05 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:05 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Fri 01:05 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:05 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:05 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:05 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:05 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:06 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Fri 04:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:06 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:06 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:06 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Fri 07:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:06 AM | Skipping 15 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:06 AM | Posting 2 entries...Fri 07:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:07 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Fri 10:07 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:07 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:07 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 10:07 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:07 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:07 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Fri 01:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:08 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:08 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:08 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Fri 04:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:08 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:08 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:08 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Fri 07:09 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:09 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:09 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 07:09 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:09 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:09 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Fri 10:09 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:09 PM | Skipping 13 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:09 PM | Posting 4 entries...Fri 10:09 PM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Fri 10:09 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Fri 10:09 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:09 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:09 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sat 01:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:09 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:10 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sat 04:10 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:10 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:10 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:10 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:10 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:10 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sat 07:10 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:10 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:10 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:10 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:10 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:10 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sat 10:11 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:11 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:11 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 10:11 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:11 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:11 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sat 01:11 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:11 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:11 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:11 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:11 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:11 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sat 04:12 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:12 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:12 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:12 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:12 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:12 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sat 07:12 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:12 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:12 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:12 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:12 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:13 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sat 10:13 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:13 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:13 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 10:13 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:13 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:13 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 01:13 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:13 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:13 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:13 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:13 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:14 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 04:14 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:14 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:14 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:14 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:14 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:14 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 07:15 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:15 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:15 AM | Posting 6 entries...Sun 07:15 AM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 07:15 AM | Could not post item "How I Went From Zero To $200,000 In 1 Month", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 07:15 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:15 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:15 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 10:15 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:15 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:15 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 10:15 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:15 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:16 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 01:16 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:16 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:16 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:16 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:16 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:16 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 04:16 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:16 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:16 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:16 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:16 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:17 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 07:17 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:17 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:17 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 07:17 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:17 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:17 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 10:17 PM | Could not download feed: 10:17 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:17 PM | Skipping 4 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:17 PM | Posting 7 entries...Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – Pants Down Audience Edition", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sun 10:17 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:17 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:18 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 01:18 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:18 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:18 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 01:18 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:18 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:18 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 04:18 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:18 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:18 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:18 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:18 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:19 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 07:19 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:19 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:19 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:19 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:19 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:19 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 10:19 AM | Could not download feed: 10:19 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:19 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:19 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:19 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:19 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:19 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 01:20 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:20 PM | Skipping 15 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:20 PM | Posting 2 entries...Mon 01:20 PM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 01:20 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:20 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:20 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 04:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:21 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:21 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:21 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 07:22 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:22 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:22 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:22 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:22 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:22 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 10:23 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:23 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:23 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:23 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:23 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:23 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 01:23 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:23 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:23 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:23 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:23 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:23 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 04:24 AM | Could not download feed: 04:24 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:24 AM | Skipping 5 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:24 AM | Posting 6 entries...Tue 04:24 AM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Tue 04:24 AM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 04:24 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:24 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:24 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 07:24 AM | Could not download feed: 07:24 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:24 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:24 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:24 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:24 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:25 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 10:25 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:25 AM | Skipping 13 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:25 AM | Posting 4 entries...Tue 10:25 AM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:25 AM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:25 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:25 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:25 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 01:26 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:26 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:26 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:26 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:26 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:26 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 04:26 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:26 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:26 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 04:26 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:26 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:27 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 07:27 PM | Could not download feed: 07:27 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:27 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:27 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:27 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:27 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:27 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 10:28 PM | Could not download feed: 10:28 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:28 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:28 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 10:28 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:28 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:28 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 01:28 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:28 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:28 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:28 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:28 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:28 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 04:28 AM | Could not download feed: 04:28 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:28 AM | Skipping 6 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:28 AM | Posting 5 entries...Wed 04:28 AM | Could not post item "Big Bonus for the Big Idea Mastermind", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 04:28 AM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 04:28 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:28 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:29 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 07:29 AM | Could not download feed: 07:29 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:29 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:29 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:29 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:29 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:29 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 10:29 AM | Could not download feed: 10:29 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:29 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:29 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 10:29 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:29 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:30 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 01:30 PM | Could not download feed: 01:30 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:30 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:30 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:30 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:30 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:30 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 04:31 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:31 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:31 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 04:31 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:31 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:32 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 07:32 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:32 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:32 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:32 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:32 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:32 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 10:32 PM | Could not download feed: 10:32 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:32 PM | Skipping 5 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:32 PM | Posting 6 entries...Wed 10:32 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:32 PM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Wed 10:32 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:32 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 01:33 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Thu 01:33 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 01:33 AM | Skipping 14 posts (duplicates)...Thu 01:33 AM | Posting 3 entries...Thu 01:33 AM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 01:33 AM | Could not post item "Kicking It Up A Notch At The Kickin’ Crab", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 01:33 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Thu 01:33 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 11:06 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Thu 11:07 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 11:07 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Thu 11:07 AM | No new messages to post.Thu 11:07 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 11:07 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 02:07 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Thu 02:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:08 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Thu 02:08 PM | No new messages to post.Thu 02:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 05:08 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Thu 05:09 PM | Could not download feed: 05:09 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 05:09 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Thu 05:09 PM | No new messages to post.Thu 05:09 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 05:09 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 08:09 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Thu 08:09 PM | Could not download feed: 08:09 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 08:09 PM | Skipping 4 posts (duplicates)...Thu 08:09 PM | Posting 7 entries...Thu 08:09 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:09 PM | Could not post item "Kicking It Up A Notch At The Kickin’ Crab", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 08:09 PM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 08:09 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 4 Creating Content", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Thu 08:09 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.
Read More... [Source: - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

Big Bonus for the Big Idea Mastermind

We’ve written about the Big Idea Mastermind (BIM) before. This is the systen founded by that Internet traffic king, Vick Strizheus. With zero marketing dollars and a modest mailing list of just 1,300 subscribers, Vick Strizheus generated $710,000 in 28 [...]


Read More... [Source: John Chow dot Com - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

Free Auto Blogger Report

Thu 02:36 PM | Blog Loaded.Thu 02:36 PM | Starting Blog...Thu 02:36 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 02:36 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:36 PM | Skipping 7 posts (duplicates)...Thu 02:36 PM | Posting 22 entries...Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "3 Ways to Do SEO and Improve Your Organic Traffic", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "How I Went From Zero To $200,000 In 1 Month", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:36 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "How To Set A Deadline In An Email Auto Responder", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "The 3 Elements of Money Making Blogs", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – The Big Dog Edition", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "OC Metro 40 Under 40 Awards Reception", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:37 PM | Could not post item "The Easiest Way To Make a Squeeze Page", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found (404)Thu 02:37 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:37 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 07:04 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Could not download feed: 07:04 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 07:04 PM | No new messages to post.Thu 07:04 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 07:04 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 10:04 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 10:05 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 10:05 PM | Skipping 24 posts (duplicates)...Thu 10:05 PM | Posting 5 entries...Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "How I Went From Zero To $200,000 In 1 Month", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 10:05 PM | Could not post item "The 3 Elements of Money Making Blogs", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Thu 10:05 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 10:05 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:05 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 01:05 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:05 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:05 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:05 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:05 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:05 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 04:05 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:05 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:05 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:05 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:05 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:06 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 07:06 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:06 AM | Skipping 27 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:06 AM | Posting 2 entries...Fri 07:06 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 07:06 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:06 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:06 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 10:07 AM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:07 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:07 AM | No new messages to post.Fri 10:07 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:07 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 01:07 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 01:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 01:07 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 01:07 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 01:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 01:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 04:07 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 04:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 04:08 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 04:08 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 04:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 04:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 07:08 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 07:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 07:08 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Fri 07:08 PM | No new messages to post.Fri 07:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 07:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Fri 10:08 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Fri 10:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Fri 10:08 PM | Skipping 25 posts (duplicates)...Fri 10:08 PM | Posting 4 entries...Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 10:08 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Fri 10:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Fri 10:08 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:09 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 01:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:09 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:09 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 04:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:09 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:09 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 07:09 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:09 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:09 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:09 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:09 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:10 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 10:10 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:10 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:10 AM | No new messages to post.Sat 10:10 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:10 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 01:10 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 01:10 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 01:10 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 01:10 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 01:10 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 01:10 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 04:11 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 04:11 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 04:11 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 04:11 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 04:11 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 04:11 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 07:11 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 07:11 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 07:11 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 07:11 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 07:11 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 07:11 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sat 10:12 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sat 10:12 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sat 10:12 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sat 10:12 PM | No new messages to post.Sat 10:12 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sat 10:12 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:12 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 01:12 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:12 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:12 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:12 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:12 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:13 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 04:13 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:13 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:13 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:13 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:13 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:13 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 07:13 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:13 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:13 AM | Posting 6 entries...Sun 07:13 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 07:13 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 07:13 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:13 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:14 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 10:14 AM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:14 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:14 AM | No new messages to post.Sun 10:14 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:14 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 01:14 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 01:14 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:14 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:14 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 01:14 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:14 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:15 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 04:15 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:15 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:15 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:15 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:15 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:15 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 07:16 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:16 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:16 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 07:16 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:16 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:16 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Sun 10:17 PM | Could not download feed: 10:17 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:17 PM | Skipping 16 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:17 PM | Posting 7 entries...Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Fully Monetize Your Blog with teliad", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Could not post item "Unleashing the Accidental $710,000 Secret Formula", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 10:17 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:17 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:17 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 01:17 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:17 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:17 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 01:17 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:17 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:17 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 04:17 AM | Could not download feed: 04:17 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:17 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:17 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:17 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:17 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:18 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 07:18 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:18 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:18 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:18 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:18 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:18 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 10:19 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:19 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:19 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:19 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:19 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:19 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 01:19 PM | Could not download feed: 01:19 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:19 PM | Skipping 21 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:19 PM | Posting 2 entries...Mon 01:19 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 01:19 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:19 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:19 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 04:20 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:20 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:20 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 04:20 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 04:20 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 07:20 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 07:21 PM | Could not download feed: 07:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 07:21 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Mon 07:21 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 07:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 07:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 10:21 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 10:21 PM | Could not download feed: 10:21 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 10:21 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Mon 10:21 PM | No new messages to post.Mon 10:21 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 10:21 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:22 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 01:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:22 AM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:22 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:22 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 04:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:22 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:22 AM | Posting 6 entries...Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow Episode 2", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 1Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 3Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "What You Will Learn At The Home Business Summit", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 1Tue 04:22 AM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 1 The Free Mercedes", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 2Tue 04:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:22 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 07:22 AM | Could not download feed: 07:22 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:22 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:22 AM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:22 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:22 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:23 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 10:23 AM | Could not download feed: 10:23 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:23 AM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:23 AM | Posting 4 entries...Tue 10:23 AM | Could not post item "The Car Used for Driving with John Chow", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:23 AM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Tue 10:23 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:23 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 01:23 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 01:24 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 01:24 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Tue 01:24 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 01:24 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 01:24 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 04:24 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 04:24 PM | Could not download feed: 04:24 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:24 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:24 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 04:24 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:24 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:25 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 07:25 PM | Could not download feed: 07:25 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:25 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:25 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:25 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:25 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:25 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 10:25 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:25 PM | Skipping 29 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:25 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 10:25 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:25 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:26 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 01:26 AM | Could not download feed: 01:26 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:26 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:26 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:26 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:26 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:26 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 04:26 AM | Could not download feed: 04:26 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:26 AM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:26 AM | Posting 5 entries...Wed 04:26 AM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 04:26 AM | Could not post item "What’s Your View on Income Reports?", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 04:26 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:26 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:27 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 07:27 AM | Could not download feed: 07:27 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:27 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:27 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:27 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:27 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:27 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 10:27 AM | Could not download feed: 10:27 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:27 AM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:27 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 10:27 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:27 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:28 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 01:28 PM | Could not download feed: 01:28 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:28 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:28 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:28 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:28 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:28 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 04:28 PM | Could not download feed: 04:28 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:28 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:28 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 04:28 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:28 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:28 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 07:28 PM | Could not download feed: 07:28 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:28 PM | Skipping 23 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:28 PM | No new messages to post.Wed 07:28 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 07:28 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 10:29 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 10:29 PM | Could not download feed: 10:29 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 10:29 PM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Wed 10:29 PM | Posting 6 entries...Wed 10:29 PM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:29 PM | Could not post item "Big Bonus for the Big Idea Mastermind", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:29 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Wed 10:29 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Wed 10:29 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 01:29 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 01:30 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 01:30 AM | Skipping 26 posts (duplicates)...Thu 01:30 AM | Posting 3 entries...Thu 01:30 AM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 01:30 AM | Could not post item "Kicking It Up A Notch At The Kickin’ Crab", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 01:30 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.Thu 01:30 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 11:06 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 11:06 AM | Could not download feed: 11:07 AM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 11:07 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Thu 11:07 AM | No new messages to post.Thu 11:07 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Thu 11:07 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 02:07 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 02:07 PM | Could not download feed: 02:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 02:07 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Thu 02:07 PM | Posting 12 entries...Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 02:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Thu 02:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 05:07 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 05:07 PM | Could not download feed: 05:07 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 05:07 PM | Skipping 19 posts (duplicates)...Thu 05:07 PM | Posting 4 entries...Thu 05:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 05:07 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 05:07 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Thu 05:07 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Thu 08:08 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Thu 08:08 PM | Could not download feed: 08:08 PM | Checking cache and filters...Thu 08:08 PM | Skipping 14 posts (duplicates)...Thu 08:08 PM | Posting 9 entries...Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 4 Creating Content", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Only 7 Tickets Left for The Home Business Summit", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Driving with John Chow – Episode 3 Finding Your Why", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Kicking It Up A Notch At The Kickin’ Crab", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Could not post item "Big Bonus for the Big Idea Mastermind", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Thu 08:08 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.
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