Sunday, April 21, 2013

Free Auto Blogger Report

Sun 01:46 PM | Blog Loaded.Sun 01:46 PM | Starting Blog...Sun 01:46 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 01:47 PM | Could not download feed: 01:47 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 01:47 PM | Skipping 2 posts (duplicates)...Sun 01:47 PM | Posting 9 entries...Sun 01:47 PM | Could not post item "The Art of Stress-Free Blog Marketing", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 01:47 PM | Could not post item "[Free DVD] How To Make $10,000 Per Month", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Sun 01:47 PM | Could not post item "Think and Grow Rich – The Secrets of The Super Rich", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Sun 01:47 PM | Could not post item "Does PPC Marketing Increase Traffic?", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Sun 01:47 PM | Could not post item "Win an Apple iPad and Access To IM John Chow", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Sun 01:47 PM | Could not post item "What Gaming Sites Can Teach You About Monetizing Your Traffic", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Sun 01:47 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.Sun 01:47 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 04:47 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 04:47 PM | Could not download feed: 04:47 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 04:47 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sun 04:47 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 04:47 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 04:47 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 07:48 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 07:48 PM | Could not download feed: 07:48 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 07:48 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sun 07:48 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 07:48 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 07:48 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Sun 10:48 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Sun 10:48 PM | Could not download feed: 10:48 PM | Checking cache and filters...Sun 10:48 PM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Sun 10:48 PM | No new messages to post.Sun 10:48 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Sun 10:48 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 01:48 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 01:48 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 01:48 AM | Skipping 17 posts (duplicates)...Mon 01:48 AM | No new messages to post.Mon 01:48 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Mon 01:48 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Mon 04:48 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 04:49 AM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 04:49 AM | Skipping 11 posts (duplicates)...Mon 04:49 AM | Posting 6 entries...Mon 04:49 AM | Could not post item "Think and Grow Rich – The Secrets of The Super Rich", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 04:49 AM | Could not post item "This Is What It’s All About", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 04:49 AM | Could not post item "8 Tips To Increase Your Productivity", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 04:49 AM | Could not post item "The Art of Stress-Free Blog Marketing", Reason: Invalid blog ID: 7Mon 04:49 AM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – Chow, Cars & Coffee Edition", Reason: Could not post: (-1)Mon 04:49 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 1. Ads posted: 0.
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