Monday, December 31, 2012

How to make money online with Squidoo lenses.

If you like to make money online then you can create a Squidoo lenses for free. If you promote a product in a certain niche. Write articles about this niche and get traffic. Squidoo lenses are effective to generate traffic to a certain niche. Here below you can find 6 tips that make money online with a Squidoo lens.

1. Create a niche focused lens.

If you are going to promote Clickbank products make sure you place relevant content on the lens. If you promote Clickbank products write reviews about these Clickbank products. Do not write about the hobbies you have got or about the vacations. It is wise to write quality content which is relevant. People are daily searching the web for information. If your lens offers too broad information they would not stay long on your lens. If your lens is about Nike shoes do not enter information about other types of shoes. You can better build another lens about other shoes type.

2. Offer good, interesting information.

People are looking for information daily. If you can offer a combination of photos, content and bullet points. You can gain traffic. Make sure that your lens is not only boring text, text and more text. This will make people not visit your lens again. People have questions and then they come to your lens for your expertise. If you can offer a solution to their problems. Then you can convert your prospects on the lens. You got to keep the right balance between the content.

3. Include affiliate links and money making modules.

Once you have the content on your page you can add a money making modules. You can make money once the visitors buy products. There are modules on e-bay and others. You can add affiliate links by adding the 'write module'. The best thing to do is send visitors to a squeeze page where they can sign up for a news letter  or a freebie. List building is a great way to go. Once you have e-mail contacts then you can contact the recipient over and over again.

4. Get traffic to your lens.

Once you have got your content on the lens you have arrived to a crucial point in making money online. Then once your lens is created you need traffic. The traffic will come naturally but there are tricks to get traffic. You can optimize your lens by adding content, submitting it into directories, You can write articles to get traffic to your lens. Get traffic with 3 way linking..

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