Monday, December 31, 2012

How to create a landing page?

What is a landing page?

First of all I can explain what a landing page is. Landing page can be any page which the visitors arrive after clicking any promotional link like banner or text link. Eventually the landing page needs to convince visitors to keep reading your website because you want the visitors to convert like you wished. Such a wish can be signing up to a news letter, buying a product or signing into an e-mail list.

The structure of the landing page.

The people that come to your site often they are looking for answers. They will scope out your site to decide if they are at the right site and if it will make a fast and easy or long term stay at the site. So your site needs to be a welcome place. Make your site user friendly place to be and make sure that the visitor will give you the contact information or convert easy and fast. The structure will finally decide whether a visitor will convert or leave your page.

The links on the banners needs to address the same as the link said. If a pay-per-click ad was saying check out Base Ball Cards. Then the visitor must end up on a site featured with base ball cards.

The visual appeal of a landing page.

Use graphics and an article to make sure that it attracts attention. Place the article on the middle of the page, it makes sure that the purpose of the landing page never escapes the attention of the visitor. Make sure that the colors match each other. Use appealing graphics and use lots of white space. Using the appropriate pictures you can indicate the readers that they are still at the right site. At last I can recommend you not to place any distracting banners and links. The only link must be the goal you had in your mind that is converting the visitors.

The goal of the landing page.

You can keep in mind that the goal of your landing page must be accomplished. If you create a landing page to capture leads then you can make sure that the visitor leaves the contact information behind. If you want to sell a product then you can send them to an order page.

Be a relief: If you can offer an answer to the problems they have. You are on your way. It can be a conversion or an other name to your e-mail list. You can get the visitor to convert or get to fill in the lead capture page.

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Free Auto Blogger Report

Mon 09:52 PM | Blog Loaded.Mon 09:52 PM | Starting Blog...Mon 09:52 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 09:53 PM | Could not download feed: 09:53 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 09:53 PM | Skipping 4 posts (duplicates)...Mon 09:53 PM | Posting 11 entries...Mon 09:53 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 6. Ads posted: 0.Mon 09:53 PM | Feed items skipped: 5 (free version).Mon 09:53 PM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comMon 09:53 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 12:53 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 12:53 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 12:53 AM | Skipping 13 posts (duplicates)...Tue 12:53 AM | Posting 8 entries...Tue 12:53 AM | Could not post item "My MOBE Bonus – A Free Apple iPad And More", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Tue 12:53 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 6. Ads posted: 0.Tue 12:53 AM | Feed items skipped: 1 (free version).Tue 12:53 AM | Purchase the PRO version at
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How to make money online with Squidoo lenses.

If you like to make money online then you can create a Squidoo lenses for free. If you promote a product in a certain niche. Write articles about this niche and get traffic. Squidoo lenses are effective to generate traffic to a certain niche. Here below you can find 6 tips that make money online with a Squidoo lens.

1. Create a niche focused lens.

If you are going to promote Clickbank products make sure you place relevant content on the lens. If you promote Clickbank products write reviews about these Clickbank products. Do not write about the hobbies you have got or about the vacations. It is wise to write quality content which is relevant. People are daily searching the web for information. If your lens offers too broad information they would not stay long on your lens. If your lens is about Nike shoes do not enter information about other types of shoes. You can better build another lens about other shoes type.

2. Offer good, interesting information.

People are looking for information daily. If you can offer a combination of photos, content and bullet points. You can gain traffic. Make sure that your lens is not only boring text, text and more text. This will make people not visit your lens again. People have questions and then they come to your lens for your expertise. If you can offer a solution to their problems. Then you can convert your prospects on the lens. You got to keep the right balance between the content.

3. Include affiliate links and money making modules.

Once you have the content on your page you can add a money making modules. You can make money once the visitors buy products. There are modules on e-bay and others. You can add affiliate links by adding the 'write module'. The best thing to do is send visitors to a squeeze page where they can sign up for a news letter  or a freebie. List building is a great way to go. Once you have e-mail contacts then you can contact the recipient over and over again.

4. Get traffic to your lens.

Once you have got your content on the lens you have arrived to a crucial point in making money online. Then once your lens is created you need traffic. The traffic will come naturally but there are tricks to get traffic. You can optimize your lens by adding content, submitting it into directories, You can write articles to get traffic to your lens. Get traffic with 3 way linking..

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5 free HTML editors.

If you want to make money online then you can become an affiliate marketer. There are situations when you need a website to create a sales page. If you got your own product and you have to send visitors to a page where they sell your products. If you like to build a website and if you have nothing to invest in your business then you can start for free with these HTML editors I have to introduce to you.

Komodo Edit: This is an easy to use free html editor. I think you can start building your own website with the clear step by step guide provided. This is an user friendly software which helps you to build websites. If you want to build a website for your personal use or business purposes then you can for sure use this software to build a website.

  Aptana Studio: This is a great software with many useful functions. If you like to build websites for any purpose then you can get busy with this html editor to make the website you like. It is great that this product is free. Feel free and get started with this free software.

  NetBeans: This is a free html editor that help you to build websites on any topic you like. If you like to make money online selling golf equipment then you can build a website with the equipment you are promoting and cool articles on it to rank high in the search engines. I think this is a great tool to build websites.

  Blue Fish: This is a free html editor. You can build websites as usual to make money online or for any other purposes. This is a software with user friendly features to make the website you like. If you need a website for your soccer club or you like to make a website about any other topic. Then this is the website builder you will like.

  Coffeecup html editor: This is one of the famous html editors that there is. This is a great must haves if you like to build mini sites and capture leads pages. This is a free html editor and you can upgrade to the full version if you like. If you like to build a website with graphics . Then this is a tool to build the website you like.

There are many free html editors you can pick one and I hope you can build your website.

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My MOBE Bonus – A Free Apple iPad And More

I wrote about Matt Lloyd’s MOBE Licensee program yesterday and got a ton of responses. People really like the idea of a license that gives them the right to resell MOBE products and earn up to 90% commission on them. [...]


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How to get traffic to a blog.

If you are trying to make money online then you must know to make money online you need targeted traffic. There are few free methods to get traffic. If you like to get traffic to a blog then you can social bookmark, comment on blogs, do article marketing, send news letters, send e-mails or release a press release. Or you can build an empire of blogs with a auto blogging software.

Social bookmark: If you want to generate quick traffic then automate the whole process of submitting links. This is quite effective because it is less time consuming and if you are willing to do it manually you will find out that it takes lots of time. I would like to introduce to you a software which makes it easy for you to social book mark any site or blog. This automated social bookmarker will save you time. If you outsource it is not that inexpensive.

Comment on blogs: There are plenty new information on blogs you can explore. If you comment on other peoples blogs you can get a link back that will increase your rankings and eventually your blog's traffic. There are many software that makes the whole process simpler. This software enables you to comment and social bookmark.

Article marketing: This is a great way to get traffic. If you can write articles with helpful sources. You can get traffic to your blog by providing quality expertise to the readers and you can get loyal readers through the article sites. If you can offer articles with catchy titles and thick content. You can get quality traffic. With this article submitter you can get quick traffic.

Send news letters: If you like to get the word out about your site. You can get quality traffic from the web sites which allows the visitors to find out about new sites. Write a compelling news letter which sounds like a invitation to check out your website or blog.

Send e-mails: If you already have a list you can get traffic to your blog with sending e-mails. You can write a short description of the website and send around. This will for sure bring traffic to your blog. There it is up to you to convert them. If you have affiliate products then you can promote it to the blog's visitors.

Build an empire with auto blogging to get traffic: If you build multiple blogs around particular niches you can put links of the main blog to build inbound links. This will boost your search engine visibility. This is simple you buy a software through RSS you can get free legal content from other blogs.

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Free Auto Blogger Report

Mon 09:52 PM | Blog Loaded.Mon 09:52 PM | Starting Blog...Mon 09:52 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Mon 09:52 PM | Could not download feed: 09:52 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 09:52 PM | Skipping 4 posts (duplicates)...Mon 09:52 PM | Posting 11 entries...Mon 09:53 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 6. Ads posted: 0.Mon 09:53 PM | Feed items skipped: 5 (free version).Mon 09:53 PM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comMon 09:53 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 12:53 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 12:53 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 12:53 AM | Skipping 13 posts (duplicates)...Tue 12:53 AM | Posting 8 entries...Tue 12:53 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 6. Ads posted: 0.Tue 12:53 AM | Feed items skipped: 2 (free version).Tue 12:53 AM | Purchase the PRO version at
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4 ways to start your own home based online business.

If you like to work at home then starting a business online is an great outcome. Since you can do all the work  your self there is no cost. This is a very important issue when you consider if you want to start a business. If you do not have any computer skills you can build  a website with these 5 free html editors.

Start an online business as an affiliate: It is easy if you like to make money as an affiliate you can pick a blog's  topic and write product reviews. You can pick to review sites, services or products. You can go to or and create a blog in easy steps. Pick a blogs topic related to the keywords in the niche of the blog's topic.  Pick a custom domain if you like. Add content regularly. It is the best way to stay a head and doing article marketing is an effective method to get the word out about your blog. You can join sites that pays you to write reviews. You also can monetize the blog with or any other link text sites.

Start a business as a CPA marketer: If you like to do CPA marketing you need offers to offer to the visitors. That can be a offer to leave the information behind. Once the visitor fills the lead capture page you will be credited with a predetermined amount of money. This means you can pick CPA sites and sign up with the needed information and pick a bunch of offers and promote it and make money online. You can create a landing page where you invite the visitor to go to the merchants page and leave the information in the capture lead page. You can make videos to promote the CPA offers. There are many free traffic generating methods. You can use social bookmarking, commenting on blogs, press releases or news letters.

Build Adsense websites with an automatic software: You can build websites to monetize with Adsense. There are software like that offer the automatic software. This allows you make Adsense websites in an instance. You can insert the main keyword and the software creates a list of 100 related keywords and this software also gathers article content. These articles forms the main content of the sites you can create with the You can save lots of time with this software. I think an disadvantage is that you have to pay for hosting and domain names if you like to have hundred websites then it cost quite a fortune.

Build an empire of blogs. I have this blog with 72 posts about 100 words each it got 10489 page views. This is a great feeling. I usually search the Internet for trends and find keywords with low competition  and high amounts of search volumes. I make blogs around these keywords and put on an ad with a product I promote. I think this is a great way to make money online. This is posting automatically to the blogs to get traffic. I am getting high amounts of traffic to a blog about Forex these days.

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John Chow dot Com 2012 Blogging Annual Report

We’re at the end of 2012 and that means it’s time for the John Chow dot Com Blogging Annual Report. This is where I tell you all the cute stats and milestones the blog achieved in 2012. Thanks to WordPress, [...]


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My MOBE Bonus – A Free Apple iPad And More

I wrote about Matt Lloyd’s MOBE Licensee program yesterday and got a ton of responses. People really like the idea of a license that gives them the right to resell MOBE products and earn up to 90% commission on them. [...]


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Free Auto Blogger Report

Mon 09:52 PM | Blog Loaded.Mon 09:52 PM | Starting Blog...Mon 09:52 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 09:52 PM | Could not download feed: 09:52 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 09:52 PM | Posting 10 entries...Mon 09:52 PM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – The World Didn’t End Edition", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Mon 09:52 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Mon 09:52 PM | Feed items skipped: 5 (free version).Mon 09:52 PM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comMon 09:52 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 12:53 AM | Downloading 2 feeds...Tue 12:53 AM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 12:53 AM | Skipping 8 posts (duplicates)...Tue 12:53 AM | Posting 7 entries...Tue 12:53 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Tue 12:53 AM | Feed items skipped: 3 (free version).Tue 12:53 AM | Purchase the PRO version at
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My MOBE Bonus – A Free Apple iPad And More

I wrote about Matt Lloyd’s MOBE Licensee program yesterday and got a ton of responses. People really like the idea of a license that gives them the right to resell MOBE products and earn up to 90% commission on them. [...]


Read More... [Source: John Chow dot Com - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

7 dollar e-book

Ad: Imwithjamie: Real Training - Jamie Lewis Teaches 2 Classes A Week For Three Months All For $39.00 = Conversions. $3.00 Epc's Easy! Try This With Members Traffic. Its An Awesome Backend Monetization Tool. Look At This! Http://

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Free Auto Blogger Report

Mon 09:52 PM | Blog Loaded.Mon 09:52 PM | Starting Blog...Mon 09:52 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Mon 09:53 PM | Could not download feed: 09:53 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 09:53 PM | Skipping 4 posts (duplicates)...Mon 09:53 PM | Posting 23 entries...Mon 09:53 PM | Could not post item "5 Daily Tasks Blog Owners Must Do To Succeed", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Mon 09:53 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 8. Ads posted: 0.Mon 09:53 PM | Feed items skipped: 14 (free version).Mon 09:53 PM | Purchase the PRO version at
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designboom takes a look back at hartmut esslinger's designs of the early 80's, overviewing prototypes, concepts and explorations of apple's first computers, laptops and tablets. The post hartmut esslinger’s early apple computer and tablet designs
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Forex Daily Outlook December 28 2012

Pending Home Sales in the US and French Consumer Spending in Europe are the main events today.  Here is an outlook on the market-movers awaiting us In the US, Pending Home Sales, value the homes under contract to be sold and still awaiting the closing transaction (not including new building), -0.3% is likely now from
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If it were not for a jump in the number of Apple products stolen, New York City crime would be down this year, officials
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Merry Christmas Boats Parade

What can be better than watching the 104th annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade? Watching the parade from a $10 million waterview house, of course! Because of my generous donation to Cradle to Career: Kenya, I was offered the house [...]


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GBP/USD Outlook Dec 31 2012 – Jan 4 2013

GBP/USD showed some movement, but for the second straight week, the pair was unchanged at the close of the week, ending the trading week at 1.6152. Manufacturing, Services and Construction PMIs are the highlight of the week. Here is an outlook of the events and an updated technical analysis for GBP/USD. The only UK release last week was within expectations, and
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My MOBE Results – $16,577.83 In 29 Days

I’ve been receiving a tremendous amount of emails concerning My Online Business Empire (MOBE) and my MOBE bonus offer. The two most common questions are, am I a MOBE licensee, and how much money have I made from it. To [...]


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John Chow dot Com 2012 Blogging Annual Report

We’re at the end of 2012 and that means it’s time for the John Chow dot Com Blogging Annual Report. This is where I tell you all the cute stats and milestones the blog achieved in 2012. Thanks to WordPress, [...]


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John Chow dot Com 2012 Blogging Annual Report

We’re at the end of 2012 and that means it’s time for the John Chow dot Com Blogging Annual Report. This is where I tell you all the cute stats and milestones the blog achieved in 2012. Thanks to WordPress, [...]


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Free Auto Blogger Report

Mon 09:52 PM | Blog Loaded.Mon 09:52 PM | Starting Blog...Mon 09:52 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 09:52 PM | Could not download feed: 09:52 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 09:52 PM | Posting 10 entries...Mon 09:52 PM | Could not post item "Dot Com Pho – The World Didn’t End Edition", Reason: Could not post: HTTP/1.0 409 Conflict (409)Mon 09:52 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Mon 09:52 PM | Feed items skipped: 5 (free version).Mon 09:52 PM | Purchase the PRO version at
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John Chow dot Com 2012 Blogging Annual Report

We’re at the end of 2012 and that means it’s time for the John Chow dot Com Blogging Annual Report. This is where I tell you all the cute stats and milestones the blog achieved in 2012. Thanks to WordPress, [...]


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Free Auto Blogger Report

Mon 09:52 PM | Blog Loaded.Mon 09:52 PM | Starting Blog...Mon 09:52 PM | Downloading 2 feeds...Mon 09:52 PM | Checking cache and filters...Mon 09:52 PM | Posting 20 entries...Mon 09:52 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 4. Ads posted: 0.Mon 09:52 PM | Feed items skipped: 16 (free version).Mon 09:52 PM | Purchase the PRO version at
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Forex Daily Outlook December 28 2012

Pending Home Sales in the US and French Consumer Spending in Europe are the main events today.  Here is an outlook on the market-movers awaiting us In the US, Pending Home Sales, value the homes under contract to be sold and still awaiting the closing transaction (not including new building), -0.3% is likely now from
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EUR/USD Dec 31 – Fiscal Cliff Hopes Fading

EUR/USD has edged lower, and dropped below the 1.32 line as US lawmakers have failed to reach an agreement on the fiscal cliff. Although talks between the Republicans and Democrats continue, the prospects of a last-minute breakthrough do not look good. The final US release of 2012 looked sharp, as Pending Home Sales jumped 1.7%, well above the forecast of
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FXdirekt Bank Shut Down By BaFin

Late Friday, the German financial regulator BaFin released a moratorium to suspend business at broker FXdirekt Bank. The broker had been part of an expose story in October by business portal Wirtschafts Woche which interviewed customers and existing and former clients. According to the story, FXdirekt had basically fine-tuned the activity of scamming clients. This included the usual … [visit site to read more]

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EUR/USD Dec 31 – Fiscal Cliff Hopes Fading

EUR/USD has edged lower, and dropped below the 1.32 line as US lawmakers have failed to reach an agreement on the fiscal cliff. Although talks between the Republicans and Democrats continue, the prospects of a last-minute breakthrough do not look good. The final US release of 2012 looked sharp, as Pending Home Sales jumped 1.7%, well above the forecast of
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Free Auto Blogger Report

Tue 04:34 PM | Blog Loaded.Tue 04:34 PM | Starting Blog...Tue 04:34 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 04:35 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 04:35 PM | Skipping 21 posts (duplicates)...Tue 04:35 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 04:35 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 04:35 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 07:35 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 07:35 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 07:35 PM | Skipping 21 posts (duplicates)...Tue 07:35 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 07:35 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 07:35 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Tue 10:36 PM | Downloading 3 feeds...Tue 10:37 PM | Could not download feed: 10:37 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 10:37 PM | Skipping 15 posts (duplicates)...Tue 10:37 PM | No new messages to post.Tue 10:37 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Tue 10:37 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 01:37 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 01:37 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 01:37 AM | Skipping 21 posts (duplicates)...Wed 01:37 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 01:37 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 01:37 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 04:37 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 04:37 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 04:37 AM | Skipping 21 posts (duplicates)...Wed 04:37 AM | No new messages to post.Wed 04:37 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 0. Ads posted: 0.Wed 04:37 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 07:37 AM | Downloading 3 feeds...Wed 07:37 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 07:37 AM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Wed 07:37 AM | Posting 3 entries...Wed 07:38 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 3. Ads posted: 0.
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Real Life Case Studies of MOBE Licensees

MOBE stands for My Online Business Empire. It is the brainchild of my friend Matt Lloyd. Matt showed me MOBE during the ThinkTank 2012 mastermind in San Diego, and I was so impressed with Matt and his system, I became [...]


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